Planning Tab


  1. Use the dropdown menu in the first column to designate a Project
  2. Provide the name of proposed Planning Activity
  3. Select the plan's discipline from the dropdown list (note: a legend is provided by mouse-over on the column's header)
  4. Select the plan's Solution Area Sub-Category
  5. Select the plan's Expenditure Category from the dropdown list
    • You may need to create multiple lines for a planning project depending on whether the proposal seeks funding for both consultant contracts and staff salaries
  6. Indicate the title of the Final Product
  7. If your procurement policy requires your project to be undergo competitive bidding, and there is only one bidder, or if there is only one vendor for the desired item, select "Yes". Otherwise, select "No".
  8. Procurement Over $250,000
    • If your project is over $250,000 (all inclusive), select "Yes" from the dropdown menu. The State will seek proof that the project was properly procured through a national competitive bidding process, and the Request for Noncompetitive Procurement Authorization will need to be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to initiating work on any such project
    • If your project is under $250,000 (all inclusive), select "No"
  9. If your project requires a competitive bidding process as stipulated by your governing purchasing policies, indicate "Yes"; otherwise, indicate "No"
    • If your project cost requires a bid process, as stipulated by your governing purchasing polices, but do not meet the State's Sole Source Authorization threshold of $250,000, you must still submit the Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Bid (RFB) documentation
  10. Provide the "Estimated Cost" of your Planning proposal - in whole dollars only - which should correspond to the provided documents
  11. Provide Project Descriptions
  12. Roll up proposed projects into the Cover Sheet


If your Planning involves the hiring of a Contractor-Consultant

  • Using your mouse, right-click on any of the tabs and select "Unhide"
  • Select "Consultant-Contractor" and hit "OK"
  • Proceed to, and complete, the Consultant-Contractor tab


If your Planning involves the funding of Staff Salaries

  • Using your mouse, right-click on any of the tabs and select "Unhide"
  • Select "Personnel Roster" and hit "OK"
  • Proceed to, and complete, the Personnel tab


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