Disaster Service Worker Information

In the event an emergency is declared in Tulare County, all public employees are obligated to serve as Disaster Service Workers (DSWs). As DSWs, public employees may be assigned to perform activities which promote the protection of public health and safety or the preservation of lives and property. This requirement is designated by both State and County law.

  • Public employees include all county and city staff.
  • DSWs provide services and aid during a declared emergency, disaster or catastrophic event.
  • At any time during a declared emergency you are required to report to work and you may be assigned to disaster service work.
  • As a DSW, you may be assigned to locations and duties outside of your normal job responsibilities.

Please read the Disaster Service Worker Letter from County Administrative Officer Jean Rousseau, and view the 12-minute Disaster Service Worker video below to learn about your roles and responsibilities in an emergency.